Tag Archives: land use

CLIC: Idenfitying the Long Term Costs of Sprawl

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Can you identify the long term costs of sprawled development? Three BC-based planners certainly think so and they’ve contributed to the creation of a free online tool to help communities of all sizes do the same. “I feel like it’s the tool planners have been waiting for,” said project lead Narissa Chadwick, playfully referring to the tool she helped create…. Read more »

Creating Beautiful Communities that Move Us: Thoughts on Ensuring Connection between Land Use Plans and Mobility

This article was published in Planning West magazine, Volume 58, Number 2 (Spring 2016), and is reprinted here with permission from the Planning Institute of British Columbia (PIBC), all rights reserved. Since Planning West is a professional planning publication, the article was written with that audience primarily in mind, one planner to another as it were.  However, I still want… Read more »

Water, water everywhere: sustainable redevelopment in Kolding, Denmark

Kolding, Denmark's Bioworks facility.

From the Vault: I originally wrote the following story for Momentum Magazine in 2003 and had completely forgotten about it until speaking the other day with a co-worker interested in aquaponics. That chat made me remember the first time I’d ever seen water, plants and urban fish in action together, in Kolding, Denmark.  While over a decade has passed since this… Read more »

Two Great Examples of Visually Communicating Benefits and Trade Offs

We all know the power of images.  Making a visual impact is even that much more important when trying to engage citizens in community decision-making, particularly when it comes to communicating project benefits and trade offs. Two great examples of visually communicating recently came my way and I thought I would share them. Example 1: City of Victoria 2015 Property… Read more »

The Most Powerful Word in Transportation

A number of events over the past few months have got me thinking about how powerful the word “and” is.  So powerful, I’m nominating it as my #1 transportation word of all time (okay, maybe #3 after “foot” and “wheel”…) Whether it comes to integrating transportation with land use, or integrating different modes of travel with each other, each of… Read more »