Monthly Archives: July 2015

Taking “Gertie” on a Tango Through Transit Planning Basics

An interesting question from Gabriola Island’s community bus group the other day seemed like a great leading off point to go over some transit planning basics.*  Let’s then go hand in hand with GERTIE and step our way through some elemental aspects in transit decision making. But first, some background: Who is this “GERTIE” anyway? GERTIE (Gabriola’s Environmentally Responsible Trans-Island… Read more »

The Most Powerful Word in Transportation

A number of events over the past few months have got me thinking about how powerful the word “and” is.  So powerful, I’m nominating it as my #1 transportation word of all time (okay, maybe #3 after “foot” and “wheel”…) Whether it comes to integrating transportation with land use, or integrating different modes of travel with each other, each of… Read more »

Curse of the Lollipops (A Route Structure That is Usually Not so Sweet)

I am no fan of lollipops. I’m not talking about the sweet kind, they’re great.  Instead, I mean the route structure that looks like a lollipop: the cases where a bus route leaves an otherwise lovely linear path to take riders on a journey twice.  Up a stick, around a loop, and right back down the stick (or road) they… Read more »