Tag Archives: education

Building Great Cities Starts with Teaching Kids to Build

“Okay,” I say looking over at my construction partner, “you ready?” “Ready,” she says, giving her safety glasses one last nudge and shifting the electric jigsaw in her grip. She is determined.  She is capable.  And she is six years old. And just like that, she pulls the saw trigger, the blade whirs as we both help guide it, and… Read more »

Accelerating the Sustainable Built Environment with BC’s Real Estate Foundation

REFBC Sustainable Built Environment Workshop

I recently had the excellent opportunity to participate in a workshop hosted by the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia (REFBC). Called “Accelerating Progress Towards a Sustainable Built Environment,” the workshop was geared at figuring out which actions should be our united priorities when it comes making our communities more sustainable. I’ve been to many other events that showcase sustainability… Read more »

So You Want to be a Transit Planner (Pt. 2): How to become one

Okay, so you read the description of what the job of a transit planner entails, and you’re keen to become one.  Now what? I can’t speak for every transportation manager out there, but in general when new employees come to the planning team I work with, they come from one of two streams: Land Use Planners: Usually these folks will… Read more »